- market leader in pickling and passivation of stainless steels (formerly Chimimeca Polska) | 20 years on the market!
Our services


Work away
At the pickling plant
High quality products require high purity conditions. You can earn more by ensuring that the production is clean. And we'll help you!

That's why we developed a comprehensive cleaning, pickling and passivation service

We provide the service both in our pickling plant and on site at your location.

We clean:

Structural elements
Stainless steel process equipment

Refined and safe
procedures, is the basis of
of our work

If you care about quality services , you can trust us.
Both at and at your site, our specialists operate strictly according to exacting procedures and standards, in accordance with ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018.


A process that removes contaminants and restores appropriate protection of stainless steel

The whole process may seem difficult and complicated but you don't have to worry about it. It includes degreasing, etching and passivation of stainless steel. Our qualified team will make sure that the whole procedure is carried out as quickly and efficiently as possible. Extensive experience means that we have this type of order mastered to perfection


1. Degreasing

To proces, który przygotowuje elementy stalowe do dalszej obróbki. Upewniamy si?, ?e nie ma na nich t?uszczu, który móg?by zak?óci? ca?y proces. Podczas us?ugi odt?uszczania stosujemy wy??cznie sprawdzone ?rodki chemiczne i dbamy o ich bezpieczn? utylizacj?. Samodzielne wykonanie tej czynno?ci by?oby wymagaj?cym zaj?ciem. Zatem nasz zespó? zadba za Ciebie o odpowiednie odt?uszczenie powierzchni.

2. Pickling

To kolejny etap naszych dzia?a?. Proces trawienia chemicznego polega na usuwaniu powierzchniowej warstwy metalu z produktów korozji, tlenków, rdzy, zgorzeliny przy pomocy specjalistycznych ?rodków chemicznych - wsz?dzie tam, gdzie zosta?a zmniejszona zawarto?? chromu na powierzchni stali.

3. Passivation

To wytworzenie warstwy ochronnej stali nierdzewnej. Na powierzchni powstaje wówczas cienka warstwa tlenku chromu, która stanowi podstawow? ochron? przed czynnikami zewn?trznymi i korozj?. Pasywacj? stali nierdzewnej skutecznie zwalczaj? odpowiednie ?rodki do pasywacji.

Final rinse

After the procedure is completed, we rinse the surface with cold water under pressure. We take care to get rid of all chemical residues.

5. Inspection

Finally, we always conduct inspections. First of all, we check the pH and visual cleanliness. The surface should appear clean and without blemishes. In addition, we perform a "white cloth" test. If there is no dirt on the white cloth with acetone - the process can be considered complete.

Proper inspection gives you confidence that all chemicals have been removed. You can safely introduce products and enjoy a perfectly clean experience.

What do you need?

We're here for you. Contact us and tell us how we can help you. During our conversation, we'll determine exactly what service you need and whether they will be conducted at our pickling plant or at your plant

We'll ensure your comfort, the safety of employees and give you the certainty of absolute production purity.


Our team of experienced professionals is ready to work with you!

Together we'll take care of your plant and production safety.
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